Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Hypnotize Yourself to Sleep

OK so this year I figured out how to end my restlessness, insomnia, or if I was awaken during the night, how I could get back to sleep.  I was once hypnotized on a stage at the Renaissance Festival in Minnesota a few years ago.  It actually worked and it was quite a unique experience.  I decided this year to use that experience and hypnotize myself to fall asleep.  It actually worked!  I have had no sleep issues since I started using this technique.  I can now take quick naps, shut off my mind at night time and go right to sleep, and if my dogs wake me up during the night, I can get back to sleep.

Now, if you know that you can be hypnotized, this can work for you also.  Here are my steps:
Level One:
First tell yourself that you are very relaxed.  Start by saying in your mind, I am very, very relaxed.
Then, imagine a pendulum slowly swinging back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Concentrate on this pendulum swinging back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, and repeat to yourself that you are very, very relaxed.  Then start repeating to yourself that you are very, very tired all while you are imagining this pendulum slowly swinging back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.  When you are completely focused on these steps, and not thinking of anything else, tell yourself that you are going to count backwards from three, and when you get to one, you will fall into a deep sleep.  Then, slowly count 3, 2, 1 and you should feel yourself subconsciously slip into another level.  Now you are in Level Two.  It is a level of deep sleep and the pendulum will automatically disappear.
Level Two:
Tell yourself you are very, very tired.  In this level, you can state the length of sleep you want to attain.  For instance, if you want to sleep all night, tell yourself, I am going to sleep all night until 9:00 am.  Or if you want to take a quick nap, say I am going to sleep for 45 minutes and when I wake up I am going to be completely refreshed.  Tell yourself whatever you require for sleep and your internal clock will respond.  Then restate that you are very, very tired.  Finally, you are going to give yourself another countdown.  Tell yourself that you are going  to count backwards from three, and when you get to one, you will fall into a deep sleep; a sleep that is ten times deeper than the sleep you are in now.  Then, count 3, 2, 1 and you should feel yourself subconsciously slip into another level. You are now in Level Three.
Level Three:
Just remain relaxed and concentrated on just sleeping and you should fall asleep within seconds.

This is a quick process, usually only taking a few minutes.  And, once your body gets used to this routine you may only need to start imagining the pendulum and boom, you fall asleep instantly!  It is quite amazing actually.  I love this and I hope it works for you.  The only time it didn't work is when I had too much caffeine, so don't let that hinder you as well.  Good Luck!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

About Me

I recently was asked to tell about myself and my personality.  How fun since I haven't been asked this in a long time.
First of all, I am in my 40s and have two adult children ages 22 and 21.  For eighteen years they were my devotion, my life, and my job.  Now they are beginning their life and I have mine. It was a tough transition, the empty nest life, for the past few years but I am finally feeling better and enjoying my adult life.  Yet, I am still grounded because while my children were growing up we had a hobby farm and although most of my animals are now gone, seven of my dogs remain.  They are all senior dogs and have lived their entire life with me, my kids and the established pack.  This has been truly a blessing as I love animals, especially dogs.  Now everyone is gone except me and the dogs.  I have a profound loyalty to them as they have shown to me.  It is now my duty to have them live out their life comfortably to the end. They deserve all the care in the world as they are my family and family means everything to me.
Family is my first priority.  I have a wonderful relationship with my parents and my mom is my best friend.  Family is there for the duration, they don't leave, and unconditional love is beautiful.
My second priority is my faith in God and angels.  I would say I am very spiritual.  I have my own relationship with God and my angels.  I don't go to church as I feel that is a business entity exploiting Him however, that is my opinion, and I don't condone anyone that does go to church as I am overjoyed that God is in their life.
Then I have a hobby, which is poker. I love poker as well as I love dealing poker.  I just love to be around the game, either playing or dealing.
I would say two words sum up my life.  Love and Peace.  As I am a libra girl, we are all about love. We love being in love, we love to love, everything.  It is a burning passion inside of me, love for my family and my faith.  Yet without love, as in a relationship, it is very hard to exist because it is the epitome of my existence.  Peace is also my savior because a very long time ago I lived in chaos, therefore peace is always my goal in life.  Like love, I must also have peace.  For my sanity, the two, along with my family and faith, are my components for a perfect life.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Leading up to the 2015 WSOP

Well after dealing poker for three years and getting my anxiety/panic attacks under control by taking Prozac daily, in February 2015 I auditioned for the WSOP 2015 series which would began in May.  I felt pretty confident since I had three years experience dealing poker and the help of my boyfriend's experience to know the 19 game mix that was expected at the audition.  I know, 19 poker games...huh, what? but it is true, we were to know all flop, draw, and mixed games:

No-Limit Texas Hold-Em, Limit Texas Hold-Em, Omaha - High Only ( Limit ) Pot Limit Texas Hold-Em, Omaha Hi-Low Split 8 or Better ( Limit ,) Seven Card Razz, Pot-Limit Omaha, Seven Card Stud, Pot-Limit Omaha Hi-Low Split 8 or Better, Seven Card Stud Hi-Low Split 8 or Better, Big O Hi-Low Split 8 or Better ( Pot-Limit ), Seven Card Stud Hi-Low Split, Regular 5 Card Draw High – Single Draw ( No-Limit ), Badugi - Baducy - Badacy ( Limit ), Ace to 5 Triple Draw Lowball ( Limit ), 2 to Seven Triple Draw Lowball ( Limit ), 2 to Seven Draw Lowball ( No-Limit )

The games I randomly drew to complete my audition were: No-Limit Texas Hold-Em, Razz, Omaha Hi Low Split 8 or Better and Baducy.

So I passed, thankfully, and began my WSOP experience on May 24, 2015.


One of my passions is poker. I love poker, playing poker and dealing poker, and will start by giving you some history.
My mom actually taught me to play poker on the internet. She got me on a poker site back in the early 2000's (maybe 2003) while the kids and I were spending a weekend at my parents house.  I remember that she got me on the computer (probably playing under her account) on a Friday and by Sunday she was whisking me off the computer to a nearby casino to play in an actual live tournament!  I was horrified!  I was so nervous!  I remember looking at her seated at the table in front of me and thinking this is cool; if she can do this, I can do this too.  And with that I was eliminated from the tournament but watched my mom make the money!
  I played both online and in live tournament play.  I taught my boyfriend at the time how to play and he was hooked as well.  Together we would venture to the local casino, in Arizona, and play in tournaments.  Over the years, I continued to play online and my boyfriend and I held our own house games (ladies night) and our own company home games (held at the office).  In 2007, we eventually moved to Minnesota and continued playing poker there.  We even did a week tour of the state's casinos that had poker rooms and collected poker chips as souvenirs, while the kids went to summer camp.
My biggest tournament cash was in 2009 playing in the Heartland Poker Tour.  I cashed and was bubbled the tv table.  :(  I played many HPT events as well as MSPT events in MN. I met and played with many well known poker professionals in the state.  I also flew to Vegas in 2009 during the World Series of Poker (WSOP) and and attended a two day poker seminar given by Annie Duke at Caesars Resort.  After the seminar, I stayed at the Rio All-Suites Hotel and Casino where the WSOP was being held.  I was in heaven watching my favorite poker pros playing tournament poker into the wee hours of the night. It was such a fun experience and I was so excited as I got a picture snapped with poker pro Daniel Negreanu. The next day I entered into the Ladies Event and played all day and night but went out of the tournament shortly before the night came to a close.  I did not make Day 2 but I was surrounded by poker and enjoyed every ounce of it...by myself I must add!

I played online poker on PokerStars but my online poker playing ended with Black Friday in 2011. Later that year, we moved to Nevada.  I started going to a local poker room to play tournaments and eventually got a job there dealing poker in 2012!  I now began living and breathing poker.  If I wasn't dealing, I was playing.  Every single day I either dealt or played.  I was doing what I loved as a living and being around the game 7 days a week.  My kids were grown then and my new boyfriend also was a poker player.  After a few years he broke me into playing live action poker because I had to stop playing tournament poker as my anxiety and panic attacks became a problem for me in 2014.  He had dealt the WSOP that summer and I remember thinking I could never do that due to my anxiety.  All the people, all the money, the celebrities and the poker professionals, I would definitely have a panic attack!


I never have blogged before or for that matter even really know what it means or have ever read any blogs before.  But, I have to write.  It is my only outlet.  So I will write everything, which means I won't have one specific topic that I will stay on.  I was told today by someone I consider an adult guidance counselor to blog and to blog about poker.  So I will start there and I will eventually bring up more information on my counselor (which has nothing to do about poker) and that entirely different realm that also very much interests me.

Well I found this great site: What is a Blog
and after reading that a blog is essentially your journal on the internet; I was pleased to read that people do write about their passions/interests and not just about what they ate or made to eat that day.
Yay, I shall write about a few of my passions and if anyone cares to read about them, very cool!

SO here goes: These are my passions (not in any particular order):


Advocate for adopting senior dogs as well as my love for my own senior dogs

Spirituality : My Belief in Angels