Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Hypnotize Yourself to Sleep

OK so this year I figured out how to end my restlessness, insomnia, or if I was awaken during the night, how I could get back to sleep.  I was once hypnotized on a stage at the Renaissance Festival in Minnesota a few years ago.  It actually worked and it was quite a unique experience.  I decided this year to use that experience and hypnotize myself to fall asleep.  It actually worked!  I have had no sleep issues since I started using this technique.  I can now take quick naps, shut off my mind at night time and go right to sleep, and if my dogs wake me up during the night, I can get back to sleep.

Now, if you know that you can be hypnotized, this can work for you also.  Here are my steps:
Level One:
First tell yourself that you are very relaxed.  Start by saying in your mind, I am very, very relaxed.
Then, imagine a pendulum slowly swinging back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Concentrate on this pendulum swinging back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, and repeat to yourself that you are very, very relaxed.  Then start repeating to yourself that you are very, very tired all while you are imagining this pendulum slowly swinging back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.  When you are completely focused on these steps, and not thinking of anything else, tell yourself that you are going to count backwards from three, and when you get to one, you will fall into a deep sleep.  Then, slowly count 3, 2, 1 and you should feel yourself subconsciously slip into another level.  Now you are in Level Two.  It is a level of deep sleep and the pendulum will automatically disappear.
Level Two:
Tell yourself you are very, very tired.  In this level, you can state the length of sleep you want to attain.  For instance, if you want to sleep all night, tell yourself, I am going to sleep all night until 9:00 am.  Or if you want to take a quick nap, say I am going to sleep for 45 minutes and when I wake up I am going to be completely refreshed.  Tell yourself whatever you require for sleep and your internal clock will respond.  Then restate that you are very, very tired.  Finally, you are going to give yourself another countdown.  Tell yourself that you are going  to count backwards from three, and when you get to one, you will fall into a deep sleep; a sleep that is ten times deeper than the sleep you are in now.  Then, count 3, 2, 1 and you should feel yourself subconsciously slip into another level. You are now in Level Three.
Level Three:
Just remain relaxed and concentrated on just sleeping and you should fall asleep within seconds.

This is a quick process, usually only taking a few minutes.  And, once your body gets used to this routine you may only need to start imagining the pendulum and boom, you fall asleep instantly!  It is quite amazing actually.  I love this and I hope it works for you.  The only time it didn't work is when I had too much caffeine, so don't let that hinder you as well.  Good Luck!

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