Thursday, July 16, 2015


I never have blogged before or for that matter even really know what it means or have ever read any blogs before.  But, I have to write.  It is my only outlet.  So I will write everything, which means I won't have one specific topic that I will stay on.  I was told today by someone I consider an adult guidance counselor to blog and to blog about poker.  So I will start there and I will eventually bring up more information on my counselor (which has nothing to do about poker) and that entirely different realm that also very much interests me.

Well I found this great site: What is a Blog
and after reading that a blog is essentially your journal on the internet; I was pleased to read that people do write about their passions/interests and not just about what they ate or made to eat that day.
Yay, I shall write about a few of my passions and if anyone cares to read about them, very cool!

SO here goes: These are my passions (not in any particular order):


Advocate for adopting senior dogs as well as my love for my own senior dogs

Spirituality : My Belief in Angels

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